Apr 28, 2021
Shelli Renee Joye, Ph.D. attended Rice University and graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, she worked with John Lilly on interspecies communication and pursued contemplative practice with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She completed her doctorate in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is the author of many books including the Electromagnetic Brain which is the subject of this podcast as well as her upcoming book Tantric Psychophysics which is also discussed in this podcast.
For more information about Shelli and her work, including her art work, please see: https://shellijoye.net/
This podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform, or here: https://endoftheroad.libsyn.com/episode-176-dr-shelli-renee-joye-consciousness-and-electromagnetic-field-theorysupersensible-perceptiontantric-psychophysics
Have an awesome week!