Jun 13, 2020
John Evans and Marcy Johnson offer the Sancti Center which provides practices and training in the Eastern and Western Mystical and Esoteric practices. Honoring his unique heritage of a Christian Reverend Father and Japanese Buddhist Shamanic Mother, John can apply unique blends of martial arts, healing traditions with esoteric teachings to enable others to grasp their own personal power and utilize it to not only become and unstoppable force in their own lives but also to create deep healing and a passion for life.
For more information on their many programs and guided meditations, please see:
or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/sancticenter/community/?mt_nav=0&msite_tab_async=0
This podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform, or here: https://endoftheroad.libsyn.com/episode-126-john-evans-sancti-centereastern-and-western-mystical-and-esoteric-practicesthe-golden-dawn
Have a great week!