Aug 12, 2020
Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D. has over 20 years practicing as a curandera, mentoring with curanderx and shamans in the Maya Yucatecan jungle, Peru, and Los Angeles, and studying Mesoamerican Curanderismo in academia at UCLA and UCR. She has a master's degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoamerican shamanism and curanderismo. Erika comes from a grandmother lineage of women healers, her great-great grandmother was a well-known and sought out curandera in Chihuahua, Mexico.
She is the author of Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo, Curanderismo Soul Retrieval (see podcast episode 91) and The Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon which is the subject of this podcast.
For more information about Erika and her wonderful offerings, please see her website:
Have a great weekend!