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Aug 11, 2021

Jerry Brown, Ph.D. is an anthropologist, author and ethnomycologist.  He is a Founding Professor of Anthropology at Florida International University (FIU)  in Miami and teaches an online course on "Psychedelics and Culture."  He is also designing a course on "Psychedelics: Past, Present and Future" for Psychedelics Today which will be offered with CEUs in fall 2021.

Professor Brown writes on psychedelics and religion as well as on psychedelic therapy.  He is co-author of The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity (2016); "Entheogens in Christian Art:  Wasson, Allegro and the Psychedelic Gospels," Journal of Psychedelic Studies (2019); and "Mystical Experience with Cancer Patients," Global Journal of Medical Research (2021).

Contact information for Dr. Brown:


For questions or speaking requests, contact:  Jerry B. Brown at:

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Have an awesome weekend!