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Feb 17, 2022

Courtni "StarHeart" Hale is an author and Traditional Spiritual Guide and Shaman (Medicine Woman).  StarHeart has been pouring Medicine Ceremony independently since 2008 when she was certified by the Church of the Spiritual Path after a 7 Year residency in Traditional Native Medicine with Tata Patricio Dominguez (of DMT: Spirit Molecule).  The two have been featured in many news and video publications for their community service and international diplomacy.    She is Founder of the Church of the Natural Law and the Medicine Retreats of Finding the Force. Courtni is also the author of three books: Finding the Force, 4 Steps Into the Vortex, and Urban Shaman:  Love. She has extensive experience in facilitating Sweat lodge, Medicine Jouneys, Spiritual Readings, Kambo Ceremony, Pipe Ceremony, EcoSpiritual tours, Events and Retreats, Soul Retrieval and other spiritual practices.

For more information, please see her website:

IG: @finding_the_force

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Have an awesome weekend!