Oct 30, 2019
Stephen Edred Flowers is a former American Professor, scholar, runologist, runosophist, and proponent of occultism, Odianism, esoteric runosophy, and Germanic mysticism. He has over three dozen published books and hundreds of published papers and translations on a disparate range of subjects.
In this episode, we...
Oct 23, 2019
Leia Friedman is a teacher, writer, and permaculturist. She is the host of the Psychedologist: Conscious Positive Radio," co-founder of the Boston Entheogenic Network, a psychedelic integration support provider, and an activist. Her work focuses on phenonmena related to the human experience of consciousness through...
Oct 10, 2019
Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D., has a master's degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoamerican shamanism from the University of California at Riverside. A practicing curandera for over 20 years, descended from a long line of grandmother curanderas, she has studied with curanderx in Mexico, Peru, and Los Angeles...
Oct 1, 2019
Tara Rose is the host of the Green Goddess podcast, a divinely guided media project which explores sacred medicine, philosophy and the evolution of consciousness. She brings a deep love for Pachamama to her work as an initiated medicine woman, facilitating kambo frog medicine ceremonies to purify and raise the...