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Jul 24, 2019

Michael is the host and writer of the Third Eye Drops show/podcast that has over 1 million downloads.  He is a polymorphous polymath who dreams of a "technodelic community where wonder, laughter and creation are core commandments." 

Follow him on Twitter where most recently he tweeted thus and so:

"If you don't actively...

Jul 19, 2019

Ben is a sex worker, feminist porn performer, certified permaculture designer, certified tantric counselor, author, film maker, and recording artist.  He finds healing and empowerment through sacred loving arts, ecological gardening, shamanism, ecstatic trance dancing, martial arts, and open source technology.   His...

Jul 11, 2019

Noah Lampert is the host of the Synchronicity Podcast, founder of the Mindpod Network, musician, and web developer.  He has served as the director of Web Operations for the Ram Dass--Love Serve Remember Foundation and is the owner of CRVD Media.  

In this episode, Noah dives deep into the experience of Synchronicity,...

Jul 5, 2019

Jasun Horsley is an English cultural critic, metapsychologist, conspiracy researcher, and podcaster.  He is the author of several books:  Seen and Not Seen, Prisoner of Infinity, and The Vice of Kings:  How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse.

Jasun spent his early life fleeing...